Tiny, backyard aliens
Do you see them? Underfoot, overhead, their significance unrecognized. They’re ignored until they’re buzzing in your ear, or crawling on you unexpectedly. Did they help fed you today? Did they steal your sustenance? I promise you’ll notice when they disappear.
"Frog Days of Summer" | Acrylic on canvas, 16in. x 20in., 2021
"Bette Davis Eyes" | Acrylic on canvas, 48in. x 36in., 2018
"Flutter" | Acrylic on canvas, 36in. 48in., 2015
"Deserted" | Acrylic on canvas, 36in. 36in., 2016
"Bedded Down for the Winter" | 36in. x 48in., 2017
"Brittle" | Acrylic on canvas, 48in. x 36in., 2016
"Tangled" | Acrylic on canvas, 36in. x 48in., 2016
"Cling" | Acrylic on canvas, 24in. x 36in., 2016
"Misdirection" | Acrylic on canvas, 48in. x 36in., 2016
"Mars" | Acrylic on canvas, 18in. x 24in., 2016
"Taffeta" | Acrylic on canvas, 36in. x 48in., 2016
"Vertical Move" | Acrylic on canvas, 36in. x 48in., 2016
"Harvest" | Acrylic on canvas, 36in. x 36in., 2016